Presentation: Tweet"Lessons Learned in Deploying PaaS"
If you’ve tried deploying your custom applications to “the cloud”, you’ve probably realized that you need more than just virtualized infrastructure to deploy and run your applications successfully. That’s why Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with public services like Heroku, EngineYard and DotCloud have gained popularity. But how do you get the benefits of a PaaS that is secure, private, and customizable if your company doesn’t permit you to use a public PaaS? Hear about the lessons Carrenza learned when they deployed a private PaaS using Stackato (based on Cloud Foundry) in a VMware environment for their clients. Colin will share how they made reproducable custom environments using an installation and customization framework (Chef/Puppet) on top of Stackato; how they linked their continuous integration (CI) system to Stackato, used a consistent deployment interface to reduce risk, and URL-mappings for easy blue-green deployments. Hear how Carrenza manages the scalability of their private PaaS operationally and uses logging and monitoring to ensure applications are meeting up-time guarantees.
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